Saturday, November 30, 2013


This holiday really means very little to me. Its basically one of those holidays where you just sit down at a table and you eat a good amount and then you want to leave the table. Then your parents are like no sit down and they try to give you more and more food, it becomes somewhat like a prison. You can hear maybe some relatives watching TV or a football game loud in the background, maybe on the radio or a TV nearby, they all just make you want to leave the table quicker. But the prison guards wont let you. They say you have to do good time and maybe they'll let you out for good behavior (also known as eating all of the dinner they made) you see Thanksgiving is one of my least favorite holidays. Its just a downgraded Christmas Vacation. Less time off, less seeing of relatives, same type of food but no ones happen this time of year so it makes the exact same food bad. I dont like Thanksgiving very much and I am glad its over.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I have not been hamburglred, but it seems as if many criminal hamburgling Activity has been taking place, with the list of the victims stretching into the 40's, at first it was a problem, but now it is becoming quite nerve racking. Because you defenitely do not want to be the one losing all his blog stuff.
Who will be the next to be HAMBURGLERED

Catching Fire Movie Review

This was a quality movie, which followed the book almost to the exact words. Which is good for someone who has not read the book, but bad for anyone who has read the. Book, because then you know exactly what happens, with no surprises. There was the usual jump scare, when the monkeys at 4 o clock screamed. There was the chase scene with the poisonous gas. Then there was the typical scene with character conflict. It was all that could be expected, if one had read the book. This movie was a great movie, but it never really took off to the point that if I needed to go the bathroom I would wait. It never really introduced the characters in the way it needed too. It never said much about Brutus, Enobaria or any of the other careers. I always felt it was missing something compared to the first movie. Which I thought was much better, I would still recommend this to some as this was still, A great movie, it just did not live up to its full expectations


Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Hunger Games:Catching Fire Excitement and My top 5 tributes

For me, this next week will be the most anticipation I've had the entire year. My birthday is on wednesday November 20th, 4 days from now. My favorite book series has been over, for a little over a year and now they are realeasing some of the best movies, with the 2nd one of these Hunger Games movies coming out this friday November 22nd. You know I will be there in the theater anxiously waiting for what I hope is another phenomenal movie. In my opinion, Lionsgate, the company produces the movie and all the actors have done a great job portraying exactly what its like. The scenery, the characters, everything there is just breathtakingly re-inacted. Who knows maybe I'll see some of you at the theater, now I'm going to give you my top 5 favorite tributes from the first 5 books. 
Number 5. Rue
This Girl never gives up, and she can swing through the trees like a monkey and act like its no big deal, thats why Rue is on my list.

Number 4. Finnick 
This guy is just so cool, he kills so many people and he's so ruthless, yet somehow in the books he stays true to himself and his true self is really funny.

Number 3. Thresh
You definitely DO NOT want to be on the wrong side of this 18 year old beast. He's just an absolute tank, who knows so much about survival. In the 74th Hunger Games, he sat in a wheat field and ate wheat while waiting for people to find him and once they found him, they were dead.

Number 2. Clove 
Clove isn't even very scary its just that she's a bit creepy in the way that she just seems like a trained killer with no real emotions or feelings, everyone seems to hate her and I do to and thats why she's on the list.

Number 1. Cato
There isn't much of an introduction needed, he's a soulless killer
who does it for fun and wont take no for an answer. In Hunger
Games 74 he was so excited when he got picked, which 
shows, you do not want to be in an arena with him.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Top 5 shows the need to be Watched

5. Homeland
I dont really know much about this show other than it must be a real classic, because everyone I know over the age of 20 seems to be hooked. There was an early release of season 2 on showtime, where you could access it if you played a few games and did a few surveys. A few people I know were so hooked on the show that they did all of that and started to watch it! All I know is that this clearly has to be above and beyond because my mom and dad who rarely watch TV are hooked. Maybe check it out sometime... Onto number 4!

4. The Voice 
I love it! The concept of it is so cool. So basically its a singing show thats completely revamped by having the auditions be blind. Here's how it works, someone gets invited onto the show and then does a blind audition in front of the 4 coaches and sings and if they like him/her they turn around regardless if they know what they look like or not. They could be looking to fill their final spot on their team with a girl and they hit their button and its a guy with a really high voice! Lots of surprises and you can hop into the show right now as it is under way right as we speak!
3. Psych
I dont know if you have even heard of this show, but this show has got to be one of my favorite shows. The plot-line is basically about a detective who claims to be "psychic" so that he can get out of jail but it ends up turning out that they believe him because he has an amazing gift for solving crime! If you have ever looked for that show with the right mix of humor and seriousness. This is your show!

2. Modern Family
No matter if it gets the highest comedy ratings in the world... I still think it should be ranked higher. This show is so funny! Every single moment has you roaring with laughter! Except those movies where they slip in family moments. It really is a very accurate depiction of a Modern Family.
1. And finally..... Number 1 is... 
    The Walking Dead!
This show is a get up off your seat thriller! Even though this is one of the most watched tv shows in the U.S there are still a bunch of people who still dont watch it! The plot is basically about a man who wakes up out of a dream after being in a coma and its a zombie apocalypse. Its expanded a lot from there adding new settings, new characters and new places. You'll find yourself waiting every Sunday for 9 o clock just so you can flick on the T.V and brighten up your day!

Things to come

Hey everyone! Today is gonna be a rather things for the future type of post. I was thinking about doing a flash fiction/short story post about once a week. This will not affect my 3 weekly uploads, this will just be a 4th. Also you should be expecting a Call of Duty ghosts review along with a podcast in the very near future (tomorrow)! My final thing that I am going to say before writing a review on my top 5 most underrated TV.shows is thanks for coming back to my blog time and time again it really helps!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rant on Salaries and busts on Basketball.

Why do players such as Dirk Nowitzki and Joe Johnson get paid over  20 million US dollars just to be an O.K player? Then people such as LeBron James and Kevin Durant who are by far the best people in the league get paid 3 million dollars less in LeBron's Case and a whopping 5 million dollars in Kevin Durant's case. Now this... is a problem, take into account the stats from previous years for Dirk and Joe and then you will see what I mean.
The following images are FIRST Joe Johnson's career stats and SECOND Dirk Nowitzki's stats.

Now the following are Dirk Nowitzki's stats
Now you see what I mean! LeBron James and Kevin Durant are far better then these 2 guys yet they are getting paid so much less than these guys. My biggest thing however that I am happen about is that young players normally don't get bombarded with money in their first year, which is great because it shows that they have to work hard and earn it. My biggest pet peeve is Kobe Bryant! Year after year he gets paid over 30 million dollars even though he is so old and injured! The lakers need to pay him less so they can afford so much more of a quality team. This has been another rant let me know what you think in the comments!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

In reply on how to make coins!

So everyone I have some very funny news to announce. Remember how I said in my "How to make coins" post that you should never open packs because all you are doing is wasting your hard earned coins"? Yeah you wouldn't believe how wrong I was. You see my parents were away on Friday night so I was super bored and decided to "Waste" all my coins on fifa ultimate team packs. How much luckier I could have gotten I dont know, but what I do know is not much luckier. Just to put it in context I had 80 thousand coins from using all those methods over the past 2 months. Then after I pulled SIF (second inform) Aguero, I had 1 million coins! I would still suggest not to open packs, because the chances of that happening to you are so slim. Then again go out and try, you never know what could happen. ;)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fantasy Basketball

If you guys are looking at doing a league with some buddies or some league with relatives and your putting down maybe 5-10$ on a league. This is my guide for players that I think will burst out of their shell and come out to bright and shining fantasy stars.Whether they be an awful team or not this is My countdown of 5 people that you should try to pick for every position in a standard league. Here are the first two guards in the list just comment  for more sleepers!
Williams Intends to Be a Big time player

Point Guard (PG)
To start it out guys I am looking at a few players in particular at Point Guard. Here are my top 5 point guard sleepers that you should pick up in your league.

Michael Carter Williams
With Williams showing up big in his first couple of games and the 76ers looking like a very good team, watch out for Michael. You should Pick him up in your draft at around the 70th pick. Especially pick him up earlier if you need a quality PG because Michael will be your bread and butter. At the moment if he can stay hot for the rest of the season you are looking in on a player that has 20.0 points per game flat and almost 8 assists per game.Thats great potential production for a low risk  70th pick.

Issiah Thomas-
This guy had a lot of doubters at the beginning for the season and now looks as if he'll be a great player pick him up in a similar position to Michael Carter Williams.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Eaglebrook Soccer Tournament

So for some of you who do not know... Eaglebrook is a soccer tournament that normally happens on the first saturday in November. The tournament consists of 16 teams, and you have to win or come 2nd in your group to advance to the A division. If you come 3rd or 4th you will quickly find yourself in the B division. However the tournament is very difficult because they are only 20 minute games and you can find yourself on the wrong side of the game very quickly, because if you go down 1-0 to an early goal, the team your losing against will go into a defensive shell and wont come out, until its too late and you've lost. Thats why it is very important to go in all out with no regrets. This was our Morning schedule for Eaglebrook
1st Game Fay- In this game,the team as a whole were sort of completely caught off guard because it felt like it was over before we knew it and there was nothing we could do about it. Luckily we were able to bounce back however and win our next 2 games after tying this game 0-0.
2nd Game Rectory- This was a quality game in which many chances were missed and where Matt Killian had an absolute banger of a goal right into the bottom left corner, that carried us onto to the next game.
3rd Game Shore- The game against Shore was the game where as a team we played the best, even though we only won 1-0 it was a good domination of the game for us, as we had been able to keep possession most of the time and gotten good opportunities on net. The goal we scored was rather early on in the game maybe the 5th or 6th minute, it was scored by Alex Hill off a header that was passed by one of our defenders that had actually attempted to shoot it.

After these 3 games, we realized we had done well enough to make it into Division "A" which is the top 2 teams from the earlier brackets ^^.
In our first game for this bracket we played Rumsey Hall and had a great game. Goals were scored by Chewy Bruni and Alex Hill, both goals were great goals.
Eaglebrook- I have no idea how in the world we drew this team, because to be honest... they looked as if they were old enough to be  juniors and seniors in High School, some of their attackers even had full on beards! This was a great game for us. The final result was 0-0
Fessenden- Fessy was a team that we had already played twice in the season and had beaten once and lost once, both 2-1 games. However we came out strong and won the game from Whit Caldwalders simple nice clean goal.
We were all super excited because we thought we had gone to the final, and then we realized that we wouldn't be going because Eaglebrook had scored more goals then us.
We were all bummed out, but not out of the tournament as we got to play in the less prestigious 3rd place game. The game itself was very interesting as our goalie had gotten a red card and we put Matt Killian in as goalie. Who by the way was astonishing. That game however we were still able to win 1-0 and come back to Fenn for 3rd place. Thanks For Reading!