Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Catching Fire Movie Review

This was a quality movie, which followed the book almost to the exact words. Which is good for someone who has not read the book, but bad for anyone who has read the. Book, because then you know exactly what happens, with no surprises. There was the usual jump scare, when the monkeys at 4 o clock screamed. There was the chase scene with the poisonous gas. Then there was the typical scene with character conflict. It was all that could be expected, if one had read the book. This movie was a great movie, but it never really took off to the point that if I needed to go the bathroom I would wait. It never really introduced the characters in the way it needed too. It never said much about Brutus, Enobaria or any of the other careers. I always felt it was missing something compared to the first movie. Which I thought was much better, I would still recommend this to some as this was still, A great movie, it just did not live up to its full expectations


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